What Do People Who Get Results Do Before Studying?

Team Dragon Zakura
Publication Date: July 2023
List Price 1,650 JPY (10% consumption tax included)
ISBN:9784492047378 / Size:H188mm × W130mm / Softcover / 256 pages

The series of articles based on this book has been viewed more than 12 million times on Toyo Keizai Online!

"I'm working hard, but I can't get results…"
-> "I now know what effort directly leads to results!"

"I have a poor memory…"
-> "I remember things naturally, and don't forget them!"

"I can't stay motivated…"
-> "I feel bad if I don't do it!"

"I don't have enough time..."
-> "No more studying that I don't need!"

"It's hard to 'get started'..."
->I can start studying in 'automatic mode'!

Preparation before studying!
People who get results create "tailor-made" study methods that suit them.
They "prepare" a study method that suits them "before" they start studying.
This is why they can continue making "efforts that suit them" and achieve results without hardship.

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If you can't remember, keep up, or get good grades...
It's not your brain that's at fault. It's your preparation!
This book will teach you how to get results even if you hate to study and are not good at it!

Table of Contents

Your preparation determines results before you start studying.

It doesn't matter if you don't like studying or have no time!
You can always find the study method that suits you by writing the matrix.

Study method for "Like x Weakness"
Break down your goals and objectives to find the right direction for your efforts.

Study method for "Dislike x Weakness"
By creating a scientific routine, you can start studying in an automatic mode.

Study method for "Dislike x Strength"
Get the maximum effect in the minimum time with four steps.

Habits that improve your brain
Connecting the "Why?" to become smarter naturally.

The Habit of Sustaining Efforts
You can continue your efforts efficiently by adjusting your mindset.

Author Profile

Team Dragon Zakura

A group of "Real Dragon Zakura" Students who passed the University of Tokyo entrance exam in reverse order and lecturers who have experience teaching "Real Dragon Zakura."

In addition to gathering many current students who have "passed the exam in reverse order," the team includes veteran instructors, including one with over 30 years of experience teaching at a major prep school.

(Information is current at the time of publishing.)
世界最高の話し方 戦後経済史 世界一シンプルで科学的に証明された究極の食事 マーケターのように生きろ 東京貧困女子。