“Rest and Recovery” Science

Hideki Katano
Publication Date: February 2024
List Price 1,650 JPY (10% consumption tax included)
ISBN:9784492047484 / Size:Size:H188mm × W130mm / Softcover / 216 pages

“I always feel heavy.
“I feel tired even after I slept for a long time.
“Just going to the office leaves me exhausted.
“I don't know what to do on my days off. I am just lazing around at home all day.
“Even if I sleep in on the weekends, I can’t have a refreshing Monday.
...... Do you have any of these problems?

The reason why you want to get a good rest but cannot is that in Japan the idea that "rest" equals "laziness" is deeply ingrained. Fatigue, like fever or pain, is a warning from the body. Naturally, you should be able to say, "I am tired today, so I am going to rest.

In this book, the author adds scientific explanations to "fatigue" and "rest," which have been underestimated in comparison to diet and exercise,
Why do people get tired?
What happens to the human body when it is tired but does not rest?
What kind of rest is the most effective way to relieve fatigue?
What kind of rest is the most effective way to get rid of fatigue?

In addition, the book classifies the seven types of rest and teaches how to combine them to find the most refreshing way to rest.

Read this book and immediately move from a "defensive rest" approach, such as simply sleeping and resting, to an "aggressive rest" approach!

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Rest does not mean "sleep" -- a "scientifically correct method of rest" is revealed in a big way!  It is developed by an expert who has been thinking about "how to rest" for 20 years.

Rights sold: Traditional Chinese, Korean

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: 80% of Japanese people are tired
Chapter 2: The true nature of fatigue
Chapter 3: 7 strategies for getting the best "rest"
Chapter 4: Sleep alone is not enough to rest
Chapter 5: Let's start a new "way of resting"

Author Profile

Hideki Katano

Doctor of Medicine, Representative Director of the Japan Recovery Association. Executive Officer of Benex, Inc.
The Japan Recovery Association is engaged in educational activities to eliminate the lack of understanding about rest and to improve its literacy.

(Information is current at the time of publishing.)
世界最高の話し方 戦後経済史 世界一シンプルで科学的に証明された究極の食事 マーケターのように生きろ 東京貧困女子。