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Success Story of a Japanese Single Practitioner to a Global Startup of Endoscopic AI

Tomohiro Tada
Publication Date: May 2024
List Price 1,760 JPY (10% consumption tax included)
ISBN:9784492224083 / Size:H188mm × W130mm / Softcover / 224 pages

Endoscope AI is the world's leading AI medical technology from Japan. The globalization of AI medical services has become a major topic in the medical community and media around the world.

Tada Tomohiro Gastroenterology & Proctology is one of the top endoscopy clinics in Japan, performing nearly 8,000 endoscopic examinations per year. The author of this book, Dr. Tada, has spent his life as the director of the clinic,
both providing medical care and performing endoscopic examinations.

Currently, it is the "human eye" that checks the endoscopic images. The inevitable result is that cancers are missed. Tada felt this was a serious problem, so he founded a medical start-up company with the idea of "Endoscopy AI," which uses AI to detect stomach and colon cancer in its early stages.

Unusually for a graduate of the University of Tokyo's School of Medicine, one of Japan's most prestigious medical
schools, he set up his own practice in a rural area at a young age and then threw himself into a different world, that of a start-up. Tada is driven by six action philosophies, including "Power of Purpose" and "Power of Isolation.

Now, readers, unleash your power! This is a book that will inspire those who want to change the world.

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The author is a founder of a medical AI startup attracting worldwide attention. He reveals his six action philosophies for aiming for the global.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Power of Goals: Setting modest goals will produce modest results.
Chapter 2: The Power of Solitude: Don't look next door, don't compare yourself to your neighbor.
Chapter 3: The Power of Listen: Don't be afraid to ask for what you need to know.
Chapter 4: The Power of Thoroughness: Thoroughness in all things, doing what needs to be done, even if it is not so easy.
Chapter 5: The Power of Solidarity: You cannot do everything alone.
Chapter 6: The Power of Certainty: Anxiety is not a big deal if you factor it out.

Author Profile

Tomohiro Tada
Representative Director and CEO of AI Medical Service Corporation and Chairman of Tomohiro Tada Gastroenterology and Proctology

Born in Tokyo in 1971, Tomohiro Tada graduated from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine in 1996 and completed his postgraduate studies at the Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo in 2005. After working at Toranomon Hospital and University of Tokyo Hospital, he opened Tada Tomohiro Gastroenterology & Proctology at Musashi Urawa Medical Center in Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture in 2006, founded AI Medical Service in 2017, and established local subsidiaries in Silicon Valley and Singapore in 2022.

(Information is current at the time of publishing.)
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