Innovations for Development

Keijiro Otsuka
Publication Date: May 2023
ISBN:9784492315514 / Size:H210mm × W148mm / Softcover / 376 pages

This book compiles the author's research results on agricultural and industrial development in developing countries.
The author has been theorizing about agricultural and industrial development in Asia and Africa while constantly visiting the sites and conducting fieldwork. This book is a compilation of the results of the author's past research as one of the world's leading experts in the field of development economics. The book answers, "What is needed to create decent jobs for many people?"


This book compiles the research findings by the author, a world-leading expert in agricultural and industrial development in developing countries, who has been theorizing about it through repeated surveys of actual conditions in the field.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Development Economics for Solving Poverty Problems

Part I Characteristics of Agriculture
Chapter 2: Farm Size and Productivity
Chapter 3: Ownership, Crop Contracts, and Productivity

Part II Characteristics of the Manufacturing Industry
Chapter 4: Patterns of Development of Industrial Agglomeration
Chapter 5: Appropriate Technology and Industry Selection: Learning from Japan's Industrialization in the Prewar Period

Part III Technology Transfer and Agricultural Development
Chapter 6: Asia's Green Revolution: International Transfer of Rice Cultivation Technology
Chapter 7: Africa's Green Revolution: Bringing Asian Rice Cultivation Technology to Africa
Chapter 8: Contract Farming and High-Value Agriculture

Part IV Technology Transfer and Industrialization
Chapter 9: Breakthrough Development of Industrial Agglomeration: Asian Cases
Chapter 10 Budding Industrial Agglomeration: The Case of Africa
Chapter 11: Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development of Developing Countries

Part V Conclusion
Chapter 12 Toward an "Economics of Innovation and Development"

Author Profile

Keijiro Otsuka

Keijiro Otsuka is a Specially Appointed Professor at Kobe University and a Chief Senior Researcher at the JETRO Institute of Developing Economies. Born in Tokyo in 1948, he graduated from the Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University in 1971 and received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1979. He has been in his current position since 2016.

He was President of the International Rice Research Institute from 2004-07, President of the International Agricultural Economics Association from 2009-12, and President of the Development Economics Association since 2019. He received the Medal with Purple Ribbon in 2010 and the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold and Silver Rays in 2021. He has been a member of the Japan Academy since 2018. He is an honorary member of the International, American, and African Agricultural Economics Association.

His major Japanese-language publications are: "The Regeneration of Disappearing Forests," Kodansha Gendai Shinsho, 1999; "Why Poor Countries Do Not Disappear," Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 2014.

(Information is current at the time of publishing.)
List Price 3,960 JPY (10% consumption tax included)
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