Psychology for the Workplace as Read from Academic Research Around the World

Bringing the world's most advanced psychology to your workplace and career

Shiho Imashiro
Publication Date: September 2023
List Price 2,200 JPY (10% consumption tax included)
ISBN:9784492534687 / Size:H210mm × W148mm / Softcover / 232 pages

Wellbeing, goal setting, self-esteem, trust, autonomous learning, resilience, moral judgment, group performance, psychological safety. ...... From individual careers to organizational management, psychology is what you need to know to properly understand the human mind and reality. In this book, we will explore the evidence that emerges from academic research and more than 120 articles from around the world to help you solve problems related to the way you work.

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Psychology can be used for business! Here are the world's most advanced findings that can be applied to organizational management and individual careers.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Values Required for the Future Way of Work
Chapter 2: For Achieving an Autonomous Career
Chapter 3: Responding to Times of Change
Chapter 4: How Judgments and Decisions are Made
Chapter 5: How to overcome difficult situations
Chapter 6: Working Together
Chapter 7: Managing Relationships with People
End Chapter: How to Use Psychology More for Problem Solving

Author Profile

Shiho Imashiro

Shiho Imashiro graduated from Kyoto University's Faculty of Education in 1988 and joined Recruit Co. She received her M.A. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from New York University in 1996 and her Ph. D. in Social Psychology from University of Tokyo in 2012. He is currently engaged in a wide range of research, including interview evaluations and other individual assessments, as well as experiential learning, working with the elderly, and psychological safety in the workplace. His major publications include The Science of Recruitment Interview Assessment  Hakuto Shobo, Psychology to Utilize People and Psychology of Organizational Behavior,  both co-authored, Kitaoji Shobo , and Human Resource Development Research Compendium , co-authored, University of Tokyo Press.

(Information is current at the time of publishing.)
世界最高の話し方 戦後経済史 世界一シンプルで科学的に証明された究極の食事 マーケターのように生きろ 東京貧困女子。