A4 Single-Sheet Memory Method

Remember the Whole Thing and Get Smart

Yoshihiro Ikeda
Publication Date: May 2023
List Price 1,650 JPY (10% consumption tax included)
ISBN:9784492558249 / Size:H188mm × W130mm / Softcover / 240 pages

The author is "an expert on memory," a world grandmaster of memory, and a six-time winner of the best memory in Japan. He gives you his unique method that makes memorizing fun and easy.

- All you have to do is write once on a sheet, and you will have a magical memory instantly.
- With a single magic sheet, you can improve brain power: Memory, concentration, thinking, imagination, language, non-cognitive skills, and action.
- No matter your age. From elementary school students to older people, you can remember much and never forget.

- Useful for Qualification exams, college entrance exams, language learning, reskilling, deepening your culture and business, and preventing forgetfulness.

The "memory expert," who became Japan's number one memory expert in just one year, will show you his unique and straightforward memory method for the first time.

Ikeda's method: The technique of never forgetting
1) Doodle: Draw freely and let it slip into your brain
2) One phrase: Think of a catchphrase
3) Similarity: Look for similarities
4) Tsukkomi: Make a tsukkomi (a comment) on something curious
5) Decomposition: Complex things get simpler

Writing on a single magic sheet has such wonderful effects!
- You can remember many things and always remember even if you are nervous.
- Ideas come out one after another.
- Words come out rapidly, and you can speak without hesitation.
- You can prioritize your work even when you have a lot of work to do.
- You can think about one thing from various viewpoints.

Rights sold: Traditional Chinese
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The A4 Single-Sheet Memory Method is a learning revolution based on the latest science.
It is a study technique that allows the brain to learn independently.
You can memorize a lot even if you have zero motivation or time.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: What is the A4 Single-Sheet Memory Method?
Chapter 2: Memory Mechanism of the A4 Single-Sheet Memory Method
Chapter 3: How to use the A4 Single-Sheet Memory Method
Chapter 4: 10 Image Processing (IP) Techniques
Chapter 5: Using the 11 Troubling Properties of the Brain
Chapter 6: 5 Brain Habits: A Flexible Person Can Improve Memory More
Chapter 7: Using Memory as a Foundation to Improve All Your Abilities

Author Profile

Yoshihiro Ikeda

Yoshihiro Ikeda is the president and director of the Memory Engineering Institute, Inc. After graduating from university, and he worked as an engineer before running a tutoring school.
In 2011, he encountered the "Active Brain" memory method and learned how to use his brain. 
In 2013, he won the "Memory Japan Championships" for the first time and became the best in Japan in terms of memory.
Since then, he has won the championship six times until the 2019 competition. He also became the first Japanese to be awarded the title of "Grand Master of Memory" at the World Memory Championships held in London.
In 2021, he founded the Memory Engineering Institute, a general incorporated association. He has been researching memory and brain power development, developed his "IP Memory Method" based on his experience, and is working on its popularization.

(Information is current at the time of publishing.)
世界最高の話し方 戦後経済史 世界一シンプルで科学的に証明された究極の食事 マーケターのように生きろ 東京貧困女子。